
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pacific Telecom Shenzhen with the National Center for Supercomputing build a cloud computing platform (Figure)

Pacific Telecom Shenzhen with the National Center for Supercomputing build a cloud computing platform (Figure) Pacific Telecom CEO Lin Yiping (left) and the National Supercomputing Center, Shenzhen, Xu Xiaodong legal representative (right) at the signing ceremony. Yesterday, the "2011 Cloud Computing Conference & Shenzhen, the application of innovative cloud computing strategic cooperation signing ceremony" was held in Shenzhen. Shenzhen Trade and Industry and Information Technology Commission Vice-Ren Lujian ...Pacific Telecom Shenzhen with the National Center for Supercomputing build a cloud computing platform (Figure)


中海油:蓬莱溢油导致减产 本报讯 (记者钟晶晶)中海油昨日发布第三季度财报显示,受益于油气价格上升,三季度中海油实现未经审计的油气销售收入约462.6亿元人民币,同比增长23.7%。但未发布三季度的净利润数据。此外,受累于蓬莱19-3油田溢油停 ... 中海油:蓬莱溢油导致减产

Hurricane Rina churns towards Mexico's resorts

Hurricane Rina churns towards Mexico's resorts Tourists staying at resorts along Mexico's Caribbean coast cut their vacations short on Wednesday as Hurricane Rina swirled toward Cancun and the island of Cozumel. Forecasters predict the Category 1 storm will weaken but remain a hurricane when it ... Hurricane Rina churns towards Mexico's resorts

Elucidation of the mechanism Gunma spinocerebellar degeneration

Elucidation of the mechanism Gunma spinocerebellar degeneration Intractable symptoms, including movement disorders, "14-inch hereditary spinocerebellar degeneration (SCA14)" Experiments in mice confirmed by a team of Gunma Hiroshima and mechanisms, the U.S. magazine "Journal of Neuroscience (electronic version) "announced. The mutant enzyme in nerve cells of the cerebellum, the enzyme responsible for the movement.Elucidation of the mechanism Gunma spinocerebellar degeneration

Berlusconi y Bossi pactan por el bien de Italia

Berlusconi y Bossi pactan por el bien de Italia El primer ministro, Silvio Berlusconi, había prometido a su principal aliado y líder de la Liga Norte, Umberto Bossi, dimitir en diciembre y convocar elecciones anticipadas si aceptaba la subida de la edad de jubilación. De esta manera, Bossi habría ... Berlusconi y Bossi pactan por el bien de Italia

Pueyrredón se consolida camino a los playoffs

Pueyrredón se consolida camino a los playoffs Continuando con la racha de victorias, el auriazul se perfila para conseguir el quinto lugar. También ganaron San Lorenzo, Napostá, Sportivo e Independiente. Esta vez el triunfo no fue consecuencia del bueno juego para Pueyrredón, ... Pueyrredón se consolida camino a los playoffs

[Quarterly] Changyu A three-quarter profit of 1.264 billion yuan year on year increase of 42%

[Quarterly] Changyu A three-quarter profit of 1.264 billion yuan year on year increase of 42% Panorama News Network October 26, Wednesday evening, Changyu A (000869) third-quarter report, the first three quarters of company profit 1.264 billion yuan, an increase of 41.77%. Changyu A quarterly show, the first three quarters of operating income to 4.414 billion yuan, an increase of 23.61%, earnings per share of 2.4 yuan. ...[Quarterly] Changyu A three-quarter profit of 1.264 billion yuan year on year increase of 42%

El PP comenzará la campaña electoral en Barcelona

El PP comenzará la campaña electoral en Barcelona El PP arrancará la campaña electoral con la tradicional pegada de carteles en la localidad barcelonesa de Castelldels, han informado hoy a Efe fuentes del partido liderado por Mariano Rajoy. En dicho municipio gobiernan los populares de la mano de ... El PP comenzará la campaña electoral en Barcelona


提前供暖,下月初天气不 本报讯(记者 陶颖)城区低温破冰点、秋雨再度送阴冷,京城供暖会不会提前?今天下午,本市将举行第二次供暖天气会商。根据目前气象资料预测,明起至下月初,京城天气略有回暖,气温暂不会达到提前供暖的标准。 自去年起 ... 提前供暖,下月初天气不"达标"

Fujifilm megapixel 5X zoom in early 1600 10,000 yen 1 "FinePix JX420"

Fujifilm megapixel 5X zoom in early 1600 10,000 yen 1 "FinePix JX420" 26 Fujifilm compact digital camera "FinePix JX420" was released. Released in November 12, the price is open. Estimated market price is expected to be around ¥ 13000. While entry-level product lineup is positioned the company in 1600 and 1/2.3 CCD with effective, focused ...Fujifilm megapixel 5X zoom in early 1600 10,000 yen 1 "FinePix JX420"

Turquía.- El Gobierno pagará durante seis meses los sueldos de los ...

Turquía.- El Gobierno pagará durante seis meses los sueldos de los ... El ministro de Trabajo y Seguridad Social de Turquía, Faruk Çelik, ha anunciado que el Gobierno pagará durante seis meses los sueldos de los trabajadores de los negocios afectados por el terremoto de 7,3 grados en la escala de Richter que el pasado ... Turquía.- El Gobierno pagará durante seis meses los sueldos de los ...

保障房建设存在三大问题 各省下半年"大跃进"

保障房建设存在三大问题 各省下半年"大跃进" [提要]昨天,住房和城乡建设部部长姜伟新受国务院委托,向全国人大常委会报告城镇保障性住房建设情况。他表示,中国今年计划开工建设城镇保障性住房和棚户区改造住房1000万套,预计将在11月底前全部开工。报告指出,目 ... 保障房建设存在三大问题 各省下半年"大跃进"

EU, negotiations on expanding debt burden of Greece

EU, negotiations on expanding debt burden of Greece Support businesses to expand settlement Saga, Regional SNS campaign linked site. Wai everyone, making the net house. Web home of the new style exhibits. My room features such as address search, and produce a lovely bridal two people. Saga newspaper published within a week ...EU, negotiations on expanding debt burden of Greece

安监总局: 温州动车事故调查已掌握大量证据

安监总局: 温州动车事故调查已掌握大量证据 南方日报讯 据中新网报道,中国安监总局新闻发言人黄毅25日称,针对"7·23"温州动车事故的调查业已进入攻坚阶段,目前已经掌握了大量认定事故责任的相关证据,一旦有了结论性的情况,会及时向社会公布。 发生于三个月前 ... 安监总局: 温州动车事故调查已掌握大量证据

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